First Mutual Aid Arrives as Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative Reports Few Outages

As of 4:00 p.m. this afternoon, over 99% of all Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) consumers still had power.

County Total Consumers Consumers Out % Still On
Columbia 1,900 1 99.95%
Hamilton 3,814 11 99.71%
Lafayette 3,149 33 98.95%
Suwannee 17,047 158 99.07%
Total 25,910 203 99.22%

“So far, we like the way things are looking,” said SVEC CEO Michael McWaters. “However, the amount of damage our system ultimately experiences should be determined in the next several hours.”

Mutual aid crews from Glades Electric Cooperative based in Moore Haven, Florida arrived at SVEC’s headquarters this afternoon.