Tree Planting Near Power Lines

SVEC’s operations department supports the philosophy of “the right tree in the right place” as a means of promoting tree species that are more “friendly” to power lines. This would include trees that:

  • Don’t get tall enough to come in contact with power lines
  • Are native to the area
  • Have good longevity

Right tree right place. Tall trees: oaks, pines, pecan trees.Mature height of 60 feet or less. 60 feet clearance between lines and tree. Medium trees: holly, little gem, star magnolia, dogwood, ligustrum. Mature height of 30 feet or less. 30 feet clearance between lines and tree. Small trees: junipers, fruit trees, crape myrtle, azalea, viburnum. Mature height of 20 feet or less 20 feet clearance between lines and tree. 15 foot clearance around power poles.