Bright Idea – December 2023

December 2023

Ceiling FanYou’ve probably turned on the ceiling fan on a warm day to create a cool breeze in your home. But did you know that changing the direction the blades spin is an easy and efficient way to stay warm during the cooler months?

Most ceiling fans allow you to set whether they rotate counterclockwise or clockwise. A counterclockwise spin will cool you off, while switching to a clockwise spin will help circulate warm air that is trapped near the ceiling. This can keep you and your family more comfortable without having to adjust the thermostat.

While a ceiling fan can move warm and cool air around, it doesn’t actually change the overall temperature in a room. So be sure to save money by turning a fan off when you leave the room since it won’t cool or warm the air while you’re gone.

To learn more about how to save energy, click on the “Energy Efficiency” tab on the SVEC website.